
The nose, being the central feature of our face, has a profound impact on facial harmony. Whether born with nasal structures that are disproportionate, or having experienced changes due to injury or aging, many seek rhinoplasty to enhance facial symmetry. This procedure isn’t just cosmetic. For individuals with internal nasal deformities or those who suffer from breathing issues due to structural problems, rhinoplasty offers a functional solution.

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How a Rhinoplasty works

Rhinoplasty is tailored to the individual’s unique anatomy and desired outcomes. Incisions might be confined inside the nostrils (closed rhinoplasty) or also extend across the columella (open rhinoplasty). The columella is the narrow strip of skin that separates the nostrils. Once the underlying bone and cartilage are accessible, these structures are artfully reshaped to craft the desired profile. Following this, the skin and tissues are carefully repositioned, and the incisions closed. Post-surgery, splints or packing might be used to support the new structure during the initial healing phase. The final result is usually seen one year after surgery due to recurrent episodes of swelling within the first year after nose surgery.

Surgery length

2-4 hours




No overnight stay required


Temporary swelling, bruising, some pain, bleeding, infection, breathing problems, incomplete improvement