
Your eyes tell a story, and your eyelashes play a significant role in that narrative. If you’ve ever considered enhancing the allure of your lashes, Latisse could be the perfect solution. Latisse offers a natural and effective way to achieve longer, fuller, and darker eyelashes. Unlike false lashes that require maintenance and can sometimes feel cumbersome, Latisse provides a genuine enhancement that complements your natural beauty. Whether you’re looking to embrace a subtly captivating look or want to make a bold statement, Latisse offers a real and lasting solution for achieving the lashes you desire.

Are you ready to make an appointment?

How Latisse works

Whether you desire a more dramatic look or simply want to enhance your natural beauty, Latisse can help you achieve eyelashes that truly captivate.

Latisse is a proven and innovative treatment that encourages the growth of longer and thicker eyelashes. Its active ingredient, bimatoprost, stimulates the hair follicles in your eyelids, prolonging their growth phase and increasing the number of lashes that sprout. The result? Lashes that are not only longer and darker but also more voluminous, framing your eyes with an enchanting allure.

The Process:

Consultation: Begin your Latisse journey with a consultation. Our experts will evaluate your eyelashes, discuss your aesthetic goals, and determine if Latisse is the right fit for you.

Application: Latisse is applied once daily to the base of your upper eyelashes using a sterile, single-use applicator. It’s crucial to follow the recommended application instructions to ensure optimal results.

Patience and Consistency: While Latisse starts working fairly quickly, you’ll notice the most significant improvements after a few weeks of consistent use. Adhering to the daily regimen is essential for achieving the best possible outcome.

Results: As your lashes gradually grow, you’ll notice increased length, thickness, and darkness. Your eyes will appear more open and alluring, beautifully showcasing your natural beauty.

Safety and Efficacy: Latisse is an FDA-approved treatment that has undergone rigorous testing to ensure its safety and effectiveness. It is suitable for most individuals seeking longer lashes, though it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting the treatment, especially if you have any underlying eye conditions.

Maintaining Your Results: After achieving your desired lash length and volume, you can maintain your results by using Latisse a few times a week instead of daily. This helps you keep your enchanting lashes without overstimulating the follicles.

Why Latisse for You:

  • Natural Beauty Enhancement: Latisse offers a natural way to enhance your lashes, allowing you to embrace your beauty with confidence.
  • Simple and Convenient: Incorporating Latisse into your daily routine is simple and convenient, making it easy to achieve stunning lashes.
  • Personalized Journey: Our experts tailor the treatment to your unique needs, ensuring you achieve the lash length and volume you desire.

Unlock the captivating potential of your eyelashes with Latisse. Embrace a new level of beauty that frames your eyes and highlights your natural allure. Schedule a consultation with us to discover how Latisse can help you achieve the eyelashes you’ve always dreamed of.


Procedure length

None, at home product takes seconds to use



Recovery downtime


Final result

3 months

Duration of effect

With maintenance 2 – 3 times per week


Temporary swelling, bruising, some pain, bleeding, infection, incomplete improvement