Neck Lift

A gracefully contoured neck is often overshadowed by sagging skin, muscle laxity, or accumulated fat, leading to the dreaded “turkey neck”, double chin or unsightly jowls. This can dramatically age a person’s appearance. A neck lift is sought by those aiming to redefine their neckline, restoring elegance and a youthful silhouette.

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How a Neck Lift works

The procedure begins with incisions that are typically made around the earlobe, extending behind the ear and sometimes into the hairline. An additional small incision is made beneath the chin and liposuction is used to address excess fat. The surgeon then tightens the muscle, trims any excess skin, and redrapes it for a smooth contour. The incisions are then sutured, often leaving minimal and well-concealed scars.

Surgery length

3-5 hours


Local freezing and sedation or general


No overnight stay required


Temporary swelling, bruising, some pain, bleeding, infection, incomplete improvement, rare damage to nerves