Facial rejuvenation with Fillers

As we age, the loss of facial volume can result in sagging, hollowed cheeks, and deep lines. Dermal fillers offer a versatile solution to restore volume, soften wrinkles, and enhance facial contours, providing a natural and refreshed appearance. Whether you’re looking to enhance your lips, lift your cheeks, or smooth out nasolabial folds, fillers can help you achieve your desired aesthetic.

Fillers are formulated with substances like hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring component in the skin that attracts moisture and adds volume. They can be used to address various concerns and provide a rejuvenated, youthful look.


Are you ready to make an appointment?

How Fillers work

During the filler procedure, a fine needle or cannula is used to inject the filler into the targeted areas. The process is generally well-tolerated, and the majority of fillers contain a numbing agent to minimize discomfort. Treatment times vary depending on the areas being treated, but most sessions take about 30 minutes to an hour.

Immediate results are visible after the procedure, with continued improvement as any initial swelling subsides. Fillers provide a subtle enhancement that looks and feels natural. Depending on the specific filler used, results can last anywhere from several months to a year or more.

Dermal fillers offer a customizable and non-surgical approach to facial rejuvenation, allowing you to enhance your features and achieve a more youthful appearance. Reach out to us to schedule a consultation and discover how fillers can help you attain your aesthetic goals.

Our experienced team is dedicated to tailoring each treatment to your unique needs, ensuring that you achieve natural-looking results that enhance your confidence and beauty.

Pre-Injection Instructions:

  • Avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements prior to the procedure.
  • Discuss any allergies or medical conditions with your practitioner.
  • Inform your practitioner if you have a history of cold sores or facial issues.

Post-Injection Recommendations:

Hands Off: Avoid touching or applying pressure to the treated areas for at least 6 hours after the procedure. This prevents the filler from moving and ensures it settles properly.

Ice for Comfort: Applying ice or a cold compress to the treated areas can help reduce swelling and discomfort. Use it in intervals during the first 24 hours after the procedure.

Avoid Strenuous Activities: Refrain from engaging in strenuous exercises and activities for the first 24 to 48 hours after the injection. Elevated heart rate and blood pressure can increase the risk of bruising.

Sleep Position: Sleep with your head slightly elevated using an extra pillow for the first night after the procedure. This helps minimize swelling.

Skip Alcohol and Blood-Thinners: Avoid alcohol consumption and blood-thinning medications for 24 hours after the treatment to reduce the risk of excessive bruising and swelling.

Gentle Skincare: Use gentle skincare products and avoid harsh exfoliation or aggressive treatments for a few days after the procedure. This helps protect the treated areas and supports healing.

Avoid Sun Exposure: Limit sun exposure and use sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to protect the skin from UV rays. Sunburn can exacerbate swelling and delay the healing process.

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated, which supports the healing process and can enhance the results of your filler treatment.

Follow-Up Appointments: Attend any follow-up appointments scheduled by your practitioner. These visits allow your practitioner to assess your results and make any necessary adjustments.

Report Any Issues: If you experience unexpected side effects, such as severe swelling, persistent pain, or signs of infection, contact your practitioner promptly for guidance.

By adhering to these comprehensive post-injection recommendations, you can ensure a smooth recovery and maximize the benefits of your dermal filler treatment, achieving a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance.


    Procedure length

    4-8 hours


    Local freezing and sedation or general

    Recovery downtime

    None, some redness at injection sites

    Final result


    Duration of effect

    9 – 12 months


    Temporary swelling, bruising, some pain, bleeding, infection, incomplete improvement, skin necrosis