Hand Rejuvenation

Our hands can reveal signs of aging through loss of volume, thinning skin, and prominent veins. Hand rejuvenation using fillers or fat grafting offers a solution to restore a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance to your hands. Whether you choose fillers or fat grafting, both options can effectively add volume and improve skin texture, helping your hands look as youthful as your face.

Are you ready to make an appointment?

How hand rejuvenation works

Hand rejuvenation with fillers involves the injection of dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid or other biocompatible materials. These fillers help restore volume, smooth out wrinkles, and provide a plumper appearance to the hands. Fat grafting, on the other hand, involves the removal of fat from one part of your body, purifying it, and then injecting it into the hands to restore lost volume and improve skin quality.

Both procedures are minimally invasive and offer natural-looking results. The choice between fillers and fat grafting will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

Pre-Injection Instructions:

  • Avoid blood-thinning medications and supplements prior to the procedure.
  • Discuss any allergies or medical conditions with your practitioner.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to the procedure.
  • Protect your hands from excessive sun exposure and use sunscreen regularly to prevent skin damage.
  • Make arrangements for a few days of reduced activity after the procedure to allow for proper healing.

Post-Injection Recommendations:

Avoid Pressure: Refrain from putting pressure on the treated areas for the first 24 hours to prevent displacement of fillers or fat.

Elevate Hands: Keep your hands elevated whenever possible during the initial days to minimize swelling.

Ice Packs: Apply ice packs in intervals to reduce swelling and discomfort during the first 24 hours.

Avoid Strenuous Activities: Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for a week after the procedure to prevent complications

Skip Alcohol and Blood-Thinners: Stay away from alcohol and blood-thinning medications for at least 48 hours after the treatment to minimize bruising.

Gentle Skincare: Use gentle skincare products on your hands and avoid exfoliation or harsh treatments for a few days.

Moisturize: Keep your hands well-moisturized to support the healing process and maintain skin health.

Hydration: Continue drinking plenty of water to aid in recovery and promote optimal results.

Follow-Up Appointments: Attend any follow-up appointments scheduled by your practitioner to monitor your progress and ensure optimal results.

Patience: Allow time for swelling to subside and results to fully develop. The final outcome may take a few weeks to become evident.

Hand rejuvenation using fillers or fat grafting can significantly enhance the appearance of your hands, restoring volume and youthfulness. By following these pre- and post-procedure instructions, you can promote a smooth recovery and achieve long-lasting results that you’ll love. Schedule a consultation with us to explore the best approach for your hand rejuvenation journey.

Procedure length

30 – 60 minutes


Local freezing

Recovery downtime

2 – 3 days

Final result

4 – 6  weeks

Duration of effect

12 months or longer


Temporary swelling, bruising, some pain, bleeding, infection, rare damage to nerves or blood vessels, incomplete improvement