Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Our bodies naturally evolve and change in response to life’s milestones and the passage of time. Breasts are no exception and can undergo transformations due to factors like pregnancy, breastfeeding, the natural aging process, and weight fluctuations. While these changes are completely natural, they may result in breast ptosis or a shift in the position and shape of the breasts. A breast lift, or mastopexy, offers an opportunity to rejuvenate the appearance of the breasts, realigning them to a more uplifted position and enhancing the overall breast contour. This procedure is not just about aesthetics but also celebrates the body’s journey, offering renewed confidence and comfort in one’s skin.

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How a Breast Lift works

To begin, he surgeon carefully assesses the breast’s current state, including skin elasticity and the amount of ptosis (sagging or drooping) present. Based on this, a decision is made about where to make incisions.

The incision options include a circular pattern solely around the areola, which is the darker skin surrounding the nipple; a lollipop-shaped pattern that circles the areola and then runs vertically down to the natural fold of the breast; or an inverted T or anchor-shaped incision, which is similar to the lollipop shape but includes a horizontal incision along the breast crease. The specific method chosen is a collaborative decision between the surgeon and the patient, taking into account both the desired outcome and the current state of the breasts.

Once the incisions are made, the surgeon skillfully removes any redundant skin and reshapes the underlying breast tissue, tightening it for a firmer appearance. The nipple and areola might also be repositioned to ensure they align harmoniously with the newly lifted breast shape.

Post-surgery, the recovery phase is an essential step to ensure optimal results. Patients must wear a supportive sports bra. This is not only for comfort; it plays a pivotal role in reducing swelling, offering support during healing, avoiding stretching on scars and helping them settle into their new shape. Incision lines are permanent but with consistent care and time, they will fade.

It is important to note that a mastopexy primarily focuses on elevating and reshaping sagging breasts to achieve a more youthful contour. However, it doesn’t significantly change the size of the breasts or offer upper pole fullness. In contrast, a breast augmentation increases breast size and can provide upper pole fullness using implants, enhancing both volume and shape. On the other hand, a breast reduction decreases breast size by removing excess tissue and skin, offering relief from the physical discomfort larger breasts might cause. Each procedure has distinct outcomes tailored to specific aesthetic or comfort goals.

Surgery length

2-3 hours




No overnight stay required


Temporary swelling, bruising, some pain, bleeding, infection, recurrence, asymmetry, changes in nipple sensation, healing problems, incomplete improvement