Breast Implant Exchange and Capsulectomy

Over time, our bodies and preferences evolve, and it’s natural for some women to consider refreshing the appearance or feel of their breast implants. Whether driven by the desire for a different size, shape, or implant type, or due to complications such as an implant rupture, an exchange offers a chance to refresh and harmonize your look. Moreover, while breast implants have an impressive lifespan, they don’t always last a lifetime. In a few cases, some women may encounter capsular contracture — a condition where the body’s natural scar tissue response tightens around the implant. This can lead to aesthetic changes or discomfort, but with modern surgical techniques, it’s addressable and manageable, offering a pathway to restored comfort and confidence.

Are you ready to make an appointment?

How a Breast Implant Exchange and Capsulectomy works

The surgeons will perform a comprehensive consultation to understand your goals and assess the current state of the implants. During the procedure, the existing implants are removed. If a capsulectomy is required, the surgeon will also extract the thickened scar tissue (known as the ‘capsule’) surrounding the implant. The implant pocket location may be changed to either above or below the muscle based on the unique surgical plan made to address the patient’s goals. Once this is done, new implants can be placed. The incisions are usually made at the same location as the previous surgery scars to ensure minimal new scarring and preserve aesthetics.

Recovery is often quicker than the initial augmentation procedure since the pocket for the implant already exists. Patients must wear a supportive sports bra. This is not only for comfort; it plays a pivotal role in reducing swelling, offering support during healing, avoiding stretching on scars and helping them settle into their new shape. Incision lines are permanent but with consistent care and time, they will fade.

Throughout the process, the focus remains on achieving a harmonious result that resonates with the patient’s vision and ensuring a comfortable post-operative experience.

Surgery length

2-3 hours




No overnight stay required


Scarring, infection, numbness of skin or nipple complex, skin or nipple necrosis, size changes, shape changes